Atlantic Treasures Wins Sustainability Award in SFA 2021 Awards

We were thrilled to win the overall Sustainability Award in the Small Firms Association (SFA) National Small Business Awards last Friday.

These awards celebrate excellence, achievement and innovation, and recognise the vital contribution of the small business sector to Irish industry. 

We entered the awards last year and the process was a great learning experience that gave us access to fantastic speakers and mentors. It was also a brilliant opportunity to engage with other business owners throughout the country who were facing similar issues due to C-19. 

Even though the awards were a little bit different this year and held virtually, it was such an honour to win the sustainability award. We have only our dedicated team to thank for getting us to where we are today.

Our Sustainability Story

Sustainability has always been at the forefront of our business and our parent company Island Seafoods, was one of the first pelagic processers to be Origin Green certified. 

In January, we commissioned our very own 850kW wind turbine on site, reducing our carbon footprint and bringing our company closer to carbon neutrality. 
